Vladimir N. Baryshnikov –
Doctor of History, PhD,
Professor, Department Chair
List of Publications:

Research work
Research Interests: the history of the international relationships in 1920-1930s; the history of the Second World War, the history of Scandinavian countries and Finland.
Vladimir Nikolaevich is the author of more than 140 scientific works, published in Russia, Finland, Poland, Norway, Germany, England, the USA.
Among them are monographs:
• Finland in the World War II. A .: Lenizdat, 1985. 8.65 p.s. (co-authored) 132 pages.
In this book for the first time in the Russian historiography events related to Finland's participation in the World War II were analyzed. Special attention is drawn to the international aspect of Finnish participation in the war in 1941-1944.
• Suomi II maailmansodassa [(fin.yaz.) Finland in the Second World War. Vasa, 1988. 8,65 p.s. (co-authored) 148 pages.
For the first time in Finland was published the monograph in Finnish language where Russian authors reveal the events related to the participation of Finland in the Second World War. Special attention is drawn to the international aspect of Finnish participation in the war in 1941-1944.
• Finland the Second World War. L., 1989. 20 p.s. (co-authored) 336 pages.
This book examines the Soviet-Finnish relations before and during the Second World War. The authors deeply and comprehensively irradiate the events that took place in 30-40 years in Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea. The book focuses on unstudied in the USSR events associated with the so-called "Winter War", as well as the economic and political situation in Finland during the Second World War.
• From the cool peace to the Winter War: Eastern Policy of Finland in the 1930s. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 1997. 25,93 p.s. 353 pages.
The book attempts to comprehensively investigate the eastern policy of Finland in 1930s in context of the international situation. The processes, that characterize the orientation Soviet initiatives pursued policies towards Finland, were analysed.
• Yksin suurvaltaa vastassa. Talvisoodan poliittinen historia [(Finnish language) Alone against the great power. The political history of the Winter War]. Jyvaskyla, 1997. 28,5 p.s. (co-authored) 409 pages.
The book is the first co-operate work of Russian and Finnish historians about the "Winter War" of 1939-1940. published in Finland. On the basis of previously unavailable documents were investigated the background and process of the Soviet-Finnish War, policy and strategy of the two countries, their domestic and international situation, as well as discussed the outcome of the conflict and its impact on the balance of power in Europe of the first period of the Second World War. On a number of issues a different points of view are presented.
• Winter War 1939-1940. Book 1. Political History. M., 1998. 28,5 p.s. (co-authored)
The book is the first co-operate work of Russian and Finnish historians about the "Winter War" of 1939-1940. published in Finland. On the basis of previously unavailable documents were investigated the background and process of the Soviet-Finnish War, policy and strategy of the two countries, their domestic and international situation,as well as discussed the outcome of the conflict and its impact on the balance of power in Europe of the first period of the Second World War. On a number of issues a different points of view are presented.
• Winter War 1939-1940. Book 1. Political History. M., 1999. 28,5 p.s. (co-authored)
The book is the first co-operate work of Russian and Finnish historians about the "Winter War" of 1939-1940. published in Finland. On the basis of previously unavailable documents were investigated the background and process of the Soviet-Finnish War, policy and strategy of the two countries, their domestic and international situation,as well as discussed the outcome of the conflict and its impact on the balance of power in Europe of the first period of the Second World War. On a number of issues a different points of view are presented.
• Terijoen hallitus. Uusien asiakirjoen kertomaa [(Fin. Lang.) Teriyok government. New documents tell]. Helsinki, 2001. 5,0 p.s. (co-authored)
In this monograph on the basis of previously unknown Russian and Finnish documentary sources was investigated already unknown problem of Soviet-Finnish relations, affecting the establishment and actions of the Karelian Isthmus in 1939-1940 so called "Finnish people's government". The authors analyze the conditions under which this "government" has appeared as well as the later fate of the Kuusinen’s "government" members. Previously unknown events associated with the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 considered separately.
• Finland's entry the Second World War. St. Petersburg., 2003. 20.45 p.s. 324 pages.
This book deals with previously uninvestigated be the Russian historians events associated with the Finland's entry into the Second World War on the German side. On the basis of the Finnish, German and Russian archives, as well as on other sources the authors disclosed the Hidden preparation for this in 1940-1941. The book observes the steps to rapprochement in the military, economic and political relations of Finland and Germany on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. The changes in the Soviet position in relation to Finland in the in the prewar period was studied particularly.
• Birth and collapse "Teriyok's government" (1939-1940) // SPb. Helsinki, 2003. 12 p.s. (co-authored) 363 pages.
In this monograph on the basis of previously unknown Russian and Finnish documentary sources was investigated already unknown problem of Soviet-Finnish relations, affecting the establishment and actions of the Karelian Isthmus in 1939-1940 so called "Finnish people's government". The authors analyze the conditions under which this "government" has appeared as well as the later fate of the Kuusinen’s "government" members. Previously unknown events associated with the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 considered separately. The book contains applicated documentary revealing the activities "of the Finnish People's Government."
• Finland's entry the Second World War 1940-1941. St. Petersburg., 2005. 29.53 p.s. 481 pages.
This book deals with previously uninvestigated be the Russian historians events associated with the Finland's entry into the Second World War on the German side. On the basis of the Finnish, German and Russian archives, as well as on other sources the authors disclosed the hidden preparation for this in 1940-1941. The book observes the steps to rapprochement in the military, economic and political relations of Finland and Germany on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. The changes in the Soviet position in relation to Finland in the in the prewar period was studied particularly. The book contains applicated Russian archival documentary revealing Soviet-Finnish relations and Soviet-German relations in 1940-1941.
• Birth and collapse "Teriyok's government" (1939-1940) // SPb. Helsinki, 2003. 12 p.s. (co-authored) 363 pages.
In this monograph on the basis of previously unknown Russian and Finnish documentary sources was investigated almost unstudied problem of Soviet-Finnish relations, affecting the establishment and actions on the Karelian Isthmus in 1939-1940 so called "Finnish people's government". The authors analyze the conditions under which this "government" has appeared as well as the later fate of the Kuusinen’s "government" members. Previously unknown events associated with the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 considered separately. The book contains applicated documentary revealing the activities "of the Finnish People's Government."
• The Second World War in the world politics of the twentieth century: the prehistory, history, results and lessons. St. Petersburg., 2011. 25,5 p.s. (co-authored) Pages 104-133.
This collective monograph, examines the role and place of the Second World War and its outcomes in world politics of XX century. It shows the genesis of the world wars as a new type of armed conflicts in the context of world politics at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. The consequences of the First World War for international relations and world politics of the first half of the XX.
• Finns in service in Waffen-SS during the Second World War. St. Petersburg., 2012. 13,5 p.s. 196 pages.
In the monograph on the basis of Russian, Finnish and German sources are considered key events associated with the Finns fighting in the Waffen-SS during the Second World War. The paper contains an analysis of the causes of the SS movement in Finland, history of Finnish fighting units in the division "Viking" on the territory of Ukraine, southern Russia and the North Caucasus. In addition, the book explores the reasons of the dissolution of the Finnish Waffen-SS and the attempt of SS revival movement in Finland in 1944-1945.
• The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 12 Vol. Vol. 2. Origin and the beginning of war. M., 2012. (co-author) Pages 334-362.
The 2nd Vol. from 12 Volumes devoted to the prehistory of Nazi Germany's attack on the USSR on June 22 1941 and the events of the first three months of the Great Patriotic War. The Nazi's plans for world domination and the destruction of the Soviet Union as well as inconsistent pre-war policy of the democratic countries of Western Europe and the United States were thoroughly analyzed. The volume contains a great amount of material about the preparation of the Soviet Union to resist fascist expansion. The monographs reveals the dramatic situation of unprovoked aggression in which our country was. The volume shows dedication and heroism of the soldiers of the Red Army, that has broken Hitler's plan of "lightning war." The book presents a picture of the transformation of the Soviet Union into a military camp, turning the whole society of the world to war in defense of the motherland.
• Finns in service in Waffen-SS during the Second World War. St. Petersburg., 2014. 13,5 p.s. 208 pages.
In the monograph on the basis of Russian, Finnish and German sources are considered key events associated with the Finns fighting in the Waffen-SS during the Second World War. The paper contains an analysis of the causes of the SS movement in Finland, history of Finnish fighting units in the division "Viking" on the territory of Ukraine, southern Russia and the North Caucasus. In addition, the book explores the reasons of the dissolution of the Finnish Waffen-SS and the attempt of SS revival movement in Finland in 1944-1945.